

( Season 1 )

After winning three Olympic medals in speed skating, Frédérique decides to retire. At the same time she breaks up with her partner, with whom she had been planning to start a family. So many sudden changes, it's time for her to take a completely new look at her life.

Directed by: Catherine Therrien (season 1, Canada, 2021)
Screenplay: Marie-Hélène Lebeau-Taschereau, Kim Lévesque-Lizotte
Cast: Charlotte Aubin (Frédérique), Émile Schneider (Antoine), Juliette Gosselin (Fanny), Sylvain Marcel (Sylvain), Marie-Thérèse Fortin (Christiane), Mani Soleymanlou (Tristan), Sandrine Bisson (Geneviève), Patrick Labbé (Phil), Audrey Roger (Florence)
Genre: drama


Nouvelle vie
Episode 3: A new life

Frédérique makes the most of her new life and launches a new career. Antoine takes a major decision. Sylvain wants to help his daughter, whilst Tristan confronts Geneviève.

Directed by: Catherine Therrien (season 1, Canada, 2021)
Screenplay: Marie-Hélène Lebeau-Taschereau, Kim Lévesque-Lizotte
Les secrets
Episode 4: Secrets

Frédérique is in the spotlight, caught up in a scandal that's hit the headlines. She finds it difficult to give a conference. Fanny is in shock. Antoine meets someone new.

Directed by: Catherine Therrien (season 1, Canada, 2021)
Screenplay: Marie-Hélène Lebeau-Taschereau, Kim Lévesque-Lizotte
Episode 5: Misconduct

Frédérique makes an effort to patch things up with her sister. Christiane tries to ease family tensions. With Nadia, Antoine discovers a whole new world.

Directed by: Catherine Therrien (season 1, Canada, 2021)
Screenplay: Marie-Hélène Lebeau-Taschereau, Kim Lévesque-Lizotte
Cast: Charlotte Aubin (Frédérique), Émile Schneider (Antoine), Juliette Gosselin (Fanny), Sylvain Marcel (Sylvain), Marie-Thérèse Fortin (Christiane), Mani Soleymanlou (Tristan), Sandrine Bisson (Geneviève), Patrick Labbé (Phil), Audrey Roger (Florence)
Blessures de guerre
Episode 6: War wounds

Frédérique is unable to see her way out of the situation. Tristan forces her to take herself in hand. She meets Lucas, a former soldier who makes her face up to her problems.

Directed by: Catherine Therrien (season 1, Canada, 2021)
Screenplay: Marie-Hélène Lebeau-Taschereau, Kim Lévesque-Lizotte