
Lou and Sophie, true best friends forever, have just finished high school. On the threshold of adulthood, they yearn for freedom and adventure. All summer in their run-down neighbourhood? No way! Instead they're in search of an old car to buy, ready to head off on a road trip.
Directed by: Sandra Coppola, Félix Tétreault (Canada, 2021)
Screenplay by: Yannick Éthier
Cast: Jade Charbonneau (Lou), Zeneb Blanchet (Sophie), Sophie Cadieux (Caroline), Hubert Proulx (Philippe), Étienne Galloy (Jules), Tom-Eliot Girard (Arnaud), Martin-David Peters (David), Rodley Pitt (Tom), Lévi Doré (Fafard), Robin L'Houmeau (Jimmy), Katherine Céré (Alexe)
Genre: drama