
The little kings: a group of friends who lord it over everyone in their secondary school, with arrogance and contempt. Someone who's suffered from their thoughtless egocentricity decides to take revenge by targeting best mates Julep and Adaboy, the most popular in the school, as privileged as they are unbearable.
Directed by: Julien Hurteau (Canada, 2021)
Cast: Alex Godbout (Adaboy), Célia Gouin-Arsenault (Bee), Marine Johnson (Sandra), Pier-Gabriel Lajoie (Julep), Chanel Mings (Basta), Audrey Roger (Liz), Karl-Antoine Suprice (Pom), Madi Chirara (Wizz), Lévi Doré (Prank), Myriam Gaboury (Mac)