
Je suis né à 17 ans

Streaming on TV5MONDEplus
93 min
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Streaming on TV5MONDEplus

Physically abused as a child, Thierry managed to grow into adulthood despite his father's violence. When he learns of his father's imminent death, it's time for Thierry to settle his scores, and come to terms with his memories and his feelings, with help from his therapist, and friends and family.

Streaming on TV5MONDEplus

2022:10+:93 min

Categories : Series and TV films Drama

Casting : Thierry Beccaro, Manon Lheureux, Elisabeth Comelin, Moïse Santamaria, Elsa Lunghini

Country of production : France

Origin :France

Key words : Psychology,Childhood,France,Personalities and Violence