
Also streaming now on TV5MONDEplus
Subtitles: French Spanish Romanian English German Arabic
In financial straits, former policeman Leo Brand sets up a detective school in Basel. To help them get the best out of the course, his amateur detectives learn on the job by solving real cases. Each has their own unique character... But none really correspond to the task in hand.
Directed by: Michael Steiner (Switzerland, 2022)
Cast: Roeland Wiesnekker (Leo Brand), Meryl Marti (Agotha Bayani), Dardan Sadik (Milan Gjokaj), Martin Rapold (Roger Hasenfratz), Esther Gemsch (Doro Iselin), Martin Butzke (Henning Eckberg), Martin Vischer (Joel Bättig), Lale Yavas (Inci Can)
Genre: thriller