Adil focuses on the organic farm; Ruben and Angèle on the arrival of their baby. Lulu takes up journalism, Charles de Kervelec has lost everything, and Laura tries her best to get Jules out of prison. They are each affected in their own way by the young and brilliant Irfan.
Directed by: Stéphane Meunier, François Bigrat, David Hourrègue, Vincent Trisolini (season 5, France, 2017)
Cast: Ambroise Michel (Adil), Élodie Varlet (Angèle), Édouard Montoute (Ruben), Sébastien Capgras (Jules), Julie Boulanger (Laura), Stéphane Metzger (Maxime), Dorylia Calmel (Hélène), Nadia Richard (Lulu), Floriane Vilpont (Violette), Olivier Kissita (Irfan), Antoine Stip (Charles), Vincent Vermignon (Stefan)
Genre: comedy drama