Les baskets pas si vertes de Federer
News & Current Affairs

Objectif Monde L'hebdo

( Season 2023 )
Les baskets pas si vertes de Federer
26 min
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Federer's not-so-green sneakers

It is the Swiss success story of the last decade. The Zurich-based brand of sports shoes On Running, partnered by Roger Federer, has seen its sales rocket and uses surprising marketing techniques. Its latest invention: a pair of sneakers sold on subscription, 100% recyclable and circular. But is that true?
A report by Jean-Marc Chevillars and Corinne Portier for "Temps présent", the RTS magazine.

Guests: Corinne Portier, journalist at the RTS; Arnaud Nussbaumer, lawyer in Geneva, specialist in environmental law.

Presenter: Dominique Laresche.