News & Current Affairs

Au bout de l'enquête, la fin du crime parfait ?

( Season 2022 )
They are all cases that were closed, considered unsolvable, sometimes resisting police efforts for decades until a forgotten clue, an unhoped-for witness or a forensic innovation finally made it possible to unmask the culprit. Alongside Marie Drucker, the criminologist Alain Bauer explains the technical, psychological, sociological or historical elements involved.

Presented by: Marie Drucker.


Aurélien Pioger, the mystery in the vineyard

October 2008. A vineyard in the Loire Valley becomes witness to a tragedy. Aurélien Pioger, a young seasonal worker is found hung in strange circumstances. The authorities write it off as suicide, but Aurélien's family refuse the verdict. A carefully disguised murder? But who could have wanted him dead?

Presented by: Marie Drucker.
With the criminologist Alain Bauer.
Affaire Doyonnas-Sarrazin, les assassins du Minitel rose
Doyonnas-Sarrazin, murder by "Minitel"

October 1995. The body of 26 year-old student Sébastien Faisant is discovered in a field in Montagnat, Rhône-Alpes. The only clue for the police: a few days earlier he had used the "Minitel Rose", an erotic chat service, to contact a libertine couple. Gradually, the investigators discovered a demonic duo.

Presented by: Marie Drucker.
With the criminologist Alain Bauer.