
Le doc Stupéfiant

( Season 2022 )
A collection of cultural documentaries, their powerful, sometimes provocative themes finding an echo with viewers that helps to build bridges between past and present. Films that combine surprising sequences, never-before broadcast archive footage, secret images and interviews...


The invisible gay

Forty years after homosexuality was no longer punished by the law in France, we look back at the history of gay visibility. Caricatured, mocked and even condemned, homosexuals lived in the shadows and hidden from sight, creating their own areas of freedom: dances, after dark venues and, above all, art.

With: Pierre et Gilles, Eddy de Pretto, Suzanne, Catherine Corsini, Charles Dantzig, Benjamin Lacombe, Dominique Fernandez...

Directed by: Julie Delettre, Caroline Halazy (France, 2022)