
Échappées belles

( Season 13 )

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English subtitles. Travel off the beaten track with Échappées belles and discover new places—from the most iconic landmarks to the least known treasures. In each episode, you will be given insights into the local culture through interviews with residents as well as being shown the most amazing landscapes and man-made masterpieces.

Échappées belles is not only extremely comprehensive but also provides innovation in travel storytelling. Every month, viewers are treated to a soap-opera-style show called Le Routes mythiques in which a traveling filmmaker undertakes a journey along a mythical route in history. It is a fun and creative way to discover new places while being drawn into the story!

Échappées belles: Travel the World’s Great Escapes

Genre: Documentary

Produced by: Alain Goury

Presented by: Sophie Jovillard, Jérôme Pitorin, Ismaël Khelifa, and Tiga

Country: France

Year: Since 2006

Length: 90 minutes

Subtitles: English

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