
Super bourrés

Also streaming on TV5MONDEplus
1 hr 16 min
Not recommended for under 10 years.
Available subtitles
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Also streaming on TV5MONDEplus

Also streaming on TV5MONDEplus.


It's the final day of high school. Janus and Sam have to provide the drinks for the end-of-year party. Searching through the contents of Janus's father's cellar in search of a few bottles, they discover a strange machine...

Directed by, screenplay by: Bastien Milheau (France, 2022)
Cast: Pierre Gommé (Janus), Nina Poleto (Sam), Vincent Moscato (Pascal), Barbara Schultz (Armelle), Jason Chicandier (Maurice), Jean Lassalle (Jacques), Amy Purshouse (Esther)
Genre: comedy