

1 hr 30 min
Available subtitles

Returning to his hometown, Amine discovers that his father wants to turn the local mosque into a discothèque. Amine vows to do everything he can to stop his father, even if it means becoming the new village Imam. 

Amine hasn't talked to his father Rachid for years. Returning to Saint-Marsain, where he grew up, Amine learns that Rachid, local rugby club president, wants to turn the mosque into a discotheque for his players. Against the project, he confronts his father, ready, if necessary, to become the village imam...

Directed by: Zangro (France, 2019)
Screenplay: Zangro, Nacim Mehtar, Fouad Saanadi
Cast: Lyes Salem (Amine), Djemel Barek (Jemel), Yamin Dib (Samir), Sid Ahmed Agoumi (Rachid), Rabah Loucif (President), Farida Ouchani (Ms Tarifa), Adama Bathily (Adama)
Genre: comedy