With their parents trying to save their jobs in a factory threatened with closure, 13-year-old Vivian and Max cannot go to summer camp. But Vivian has an idea how to get there. Together with their childhood friend Tom, they start on a race against the clock.
Directed by: Michaël Dichter (France, 2018)
Screenplay: Michaël Dichter, Marie Monge
Cast: Vivian Oudin (Vivian), Maximilien Decorse (Max), Tom-Eliott Fosse-Taurel (Tom), Grégory Gatignol (Guimauve), Marie Lanchas (Vivian's mother), Mathieu Lourdel (Seb), Noa Bertonnière (Noa), Elef Zack (Sinan), Astrid Adverbe (Max's mother)
Genre: comedy drama
Parental guidance: TV-PG