Peau d'âne

Peau d'âne

Streaming on TV5MONDEplus
1 hr 26 min
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Streaming on TV5MONDEplus

 A 1970 French musical fantasy rom-com.

The king promised his dying queen he would only marry again to a woman even more beautiful than her. But the only person in the kingdom to surpass the queen's beauty is his own daughter. To avoid an unthinkable marriage, the princess asks her godmother, the Lilac Fairy, for advice.

Directed by: Jacques Demy (France, 1970)
Based on the fairy tale by Charles Perrault.
Cast: Catherine Deneuve (Donkey Skin), Delphine Seyrig (the Lilac Fairy), Jean Marais (the king), Jacques Perrin (the prince), Micheline Presle (the Red Queen)
Genre: comedy

1970: 87 min

Subtitles : French Romanian English German Arabic

Casting : Catherine Deneuve, Delphine Seyrig, Jean Marais, Jacques Perrin, Micheline Presle