Directors' Fortnight, Cannes 2021. A young woman leaves Ukraine to follow her boyfriend, a young soldier based in Corsica.
Also streaming on TV5MONDEplus, see the Cannes Collection.
They come from anywhere, everywhere, but now share one thing in common: the Foreign Legion, their new family. The film recounts their stories. Of the women fighting to keep their love alive, of the men fighting for France and of the couples who build a relationship in hostile territory...
Directed by: Rachel Lang (France, 2021)
Cast: Louis Garrel (Maxime), Camille Cottin (Céline), Ina Marija Bartaité (Nika), Aleksandr Kuznetsov (Vlad), Naidra Ayadi (Soumeya), Léo Lévy (Paul), Jean Michelangeli (Thomas)
Genre: drama
Awards: closing film (Directors' Fortnight, Cannes 2021)
Parental guidance: TV-PG