
Les maris, les femmes, les amants

Streaming on TV5MONDEplus
1 hr 50 min
Not recommended for under 10 years.
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Streaming on TV5MONDEplus

Also streaming on TV5MONDEplus

For the holidays, Dora has sent her family to the Île de Ré: husband Martin, son Clément and two nieces, particularly annoying little brats. She remains in Paris for the month of August, with her friends, who've also sent husbands and children away to the seaside!

Directed by: Pascal Thomas (France, 1989)
Screenplay by: Pascal Thomas, François Caviglioli
Cast: Jean-François Stévenin (Martin), Susan Moncur (Dora), Muriel Robin (Tocanier), Hélène Vincent (Odette), Catherine Jacob (Marie-Françoise Tocanier), Émilie Thomas (Émilie), Clément Thomas (Clément), Ludivine Sagnier (Élodie), Guy Marchand (Bruno)
Genre: comedy
Parental guidance: PG-TV