Un certain regard nominee, Cannes 2008. Lebanon, 2008. Two documentary film-makers invite the French star Catherine Deneuve and their favourite actor Rabih Mroué to travel together through the regions affected by the 2006 war. Through their presence, they hope to once again capture the beauty their own eyes are no longer able to discern...
Also streaming on TV5MONDEplus.
Lebanon, 2008. Two documentary film-makers invite the French star Catherine Deneuve and their favorite actor Rabih Mroué to travel together through the regions affected by the 2006 war. Through their presence, they hope to once again capture the beauty their own eyes are no longer able to discern...
Directed by, screenplay by: Joana Hadjithomas, Khalil Joreige (France/Lebanon, 2008)
Cast: Catherine Deneuve, Rabih Mroué
Genre: drama
Genre: Drama
Awards: ''Un Certain Regard'' Nominee (Cannes 2008)