En un claquement de doigt

En un claquement de doigt

1 hr 30 min
Available subtitles
A snap of the fingers

Frédéric Light, a famous medium, enables his audience to communicate with the dead. One evening, a young spectator, commits a brutal murder under hypnosis. But the man she stabs is apparently the medium's sworn enemy. Max suspects a murder by proxy, but Annie is fascinated by Light's supposed powers.

Directed by: Émilie Deleuze (season 3, France, 2022)
Screenplay by: Béatrice Fournera and Panayotis Pascot, based on Agatha Christie
Cast: Arthur Dupont (Max Beretta), Émilie Gavois-Kahn (Annie Gréco), Chloé Chaudoye (Rose Bellecour), Benoît Moret (Jacques Blum), Quentin Baillot (Servan Legoff), Nicolas Lumbreras (Bob), Micha Lescot (Frédéric Light), Djibril Pavadé (Keredine), Charline Paul (Thérèse)
Genre: thriller