Learn French: The Most Famous Alain Delon and Romy Schneider Lines

Romy Schneider, Alain Delon, Jean Marais © Keystone-France / Gamma-Keystone, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Romy Schneider, Alain Delon, Jean Marais © Keystone-France / Gamma-Keystone, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Romy Schneider, Alain Delon, Jean Marais © Keystone-France / Gamma-Keystone, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Master French with the most iconic Alain Delon and Romy Schneider movie lines—timeless cinema meets language learning!




Copyright disclosure for the main image of this article:
Romy Schneider, Alain Delon, Jean Marais © Keystone-France / Gamma-Keystone, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


📺 Watch Alain Delon and Romy Schneider on TV5MONDE USA and TV5MONDEplus

To immerse yourself in the world of these legendary actors and hear their most famous lines in real-life cinematic contexts, check out these must-watch programs:

By watching these programs, you'll not only enjoy cinematic masterpieces but also enhance your French listening and comprehension skills with authentic dialogue.


Alain Delon: some Iconic Lines and Their Grammatical Context

Alain Delon’s deep voice and suave persona made his lines unforgettable. Below are some of his most famous quotes from his films, with their translations and grammatical breakdowns.


1️⃣ Le Samouraï (1967) – Director: Jean-Pierre Melville

  • Line: "Il n’y a pas de plus profonde solitude que celle du samouraï."
  • Translation: "There is no deeper loneliness than that of a samurai."
  • Grammar Note: The superlative "le plus profond(e)" is used to emphasize the depth of solitude. The structure "Il n’y a pas de plus..." negates the possibility of a greater degree.


2️⃣ Plein soleil (1960) – Director: René Clément

  • Line: "Tu m’aimes, mais à ta façon."
  • Translation: "You love me, but in your own way."
  • Grammar Note: "À ta façon" means "in your own way" and is an example of possessive adjectives in French.


3️⃣ La Piscine (1969) – Director: Jacques Deray

  • Line: "J’aime cette piscine... elle est comme moi, silencieuse et profonde."
  • Translation: "I love this pool... it is like me, silent and deep."
  • Grammar Note: "Elle est comme moi" demonstrates the use of être for comparisons.


4️⃣ Le Clan des Siciliens (1969) – Director: Henri Verneuil

  • Line: "Le seul moyen de se débarrasser d’une tentation, c’est d’y céder."
  • Translation: "The only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it."
  • Grammar Note: The phrase "se débarrasser de" (to get rid of) uses a reflexive structure.


5️⃣ Borsalino (1970) – Director: Jacques Deray

  • Line: "C’est pas nous qui commençons la guerre, mais c’est nous qui la gagnons."
  • Translation: "We don’t start the war, but we win it."
  • Grammar Note: Use of "c’est nous qui..." to emphasize the subject.


Romy Schneider: a few memorable Lines and Their Grammatical Context

Romy Schneider’s elegance and emotional depth made her one of France’s greatest actresses. Here are some of her most famous lines:


1️⃣ Sissi (1955) – Director: Ernst Marischka

  • Line: "Je veux être libre de choisir ma vie."
  • Translation: "I want to be free to choose my life."
  • Grammar Note: Use of "être libre de..." + infinitive verb.


2️⃣ L’Important c’est d’aimer (1975) – Director: Andrzej Żuławski

  • Line: "L’amour, c’est quand on veut quelqu’un, même quand on ne le mérite pas."
  • Translation: "Love is when you want someone, even when you don't deserve them."
  • Grammar Note: "Même quand..." introduces a subordinate clause of contrast.


3️⃣ César et Rosalie (1972) – Director: Claude Sautet

  • Line: "Tu veux que je t’aime à ta façon, mais moi, j’ai la mienne."
  • Translation: "You want me to love you your way, but I have my own."
  • Grammar Note: "À ta façon / à ma façon" – possessive expressions.


4️⃣ Les Choses de la vie (1970) – Director: Claude Sautet

  • Line: "La vie, c’est fait de petits bonheurs et de grandes tristesses."
  • Translation: "Life is made of small joys and great sorrows."
  • Grammar Note: The expression "être fait de..." (to be made of).


5️⃣ Garde à vue (1981) – Director: Claude Miller

  • Line: "On peut tout dire, mais pas à n’importe qui."
  • Translation: "You can say anything, but not to just anyone."
  • Grammar Note: Use of "pas à n’importe qui" for emphasis.


Hear Alain Delon's and Romy Schneider's lines live

To hear these legendary lines in action, don't miss upcoming Alain Delon and Romy Schneider films on TV5MONDE USA and TV5MONDEplus:

Enhance your French learning experience with these masterpieces! 🎬🇫🇷