Learn French: 10 Easy Steps to Master the Conjugation of Dire

Master the French verb dire in 10 easy steps and see it in action through must-watch TV5 MONDE USA and TV5 Monde Plus programs!

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Les Mutants (Saison 2) © Téléfiction Productions Inc

Practice Dire in Real-Life Contexts with TV5MONDE USA and TV5MONDEplus

If you want to perfect your understanding of dire while immersing yourself in authentic French dialogue, don’t miss these exciting programs on TV5MONDE USA and TV5MONDEplus:

  • Les Mutants (Saison 2) – A thrilling, family-friendly adventure series for ages 9 and up. Follow young French speakers as they disent (say) unexpected things while uncovering mysteries in a small village.
  • Les Pays d’en Haut (Saison 5) – A gripping historical drama set in 19th-century Québec, where characters disent tout haut (say out loud) their ambitions, conflicts, and hopes in a politically charged era.

By watching these shows, you’ll hear real-life usage of dire—from casual conversations to dramatic confessions. Check the TV5MONDE USA TV Guide for airing times or stream episodes on TV5MONDEplus anytime.

Now, let’s dive into mastering the conjugation of dire step by step!

Step 1: What Does Dire Mean?

The French verb dire means "to say" or "to tell" in English. It’s one of the most frequently used verbs in everyday conversation.


  • Il dit toujours la vérité. (He always tells the truth.)
  • Je ne sais pas quoi dire. (I don’t know what to say.)

Step 2: Is Dire an Irregular Verb?

Yes! Dire belongs to the third group of irregular verbs, meaning it does not follow a predictable conjugation pattern like -er or -ir verbs.

You’ll need to memorize its forms, but don’t worry—we’ll break them down step by step!

Step 3: Present Tense (Présent) of Dire

The present tense of dire is irregular and must be memorized.

Présent Dire Conjugation + English Translation

Je dis I say/tell

Tu dis You say/tell (informal)

Il/Elle/On dit He/She/One says/tells

Nous disons We say/tell

Vous dites You say/tell (formal/plural)

Ils/Elles disent They say/tell


  • Tu dis toujours la même chose. (You always say the same thing.)
  • Nous disons bonjour à nos voisins chaque matin. (We say hello to our neighbors every morning.)

Step 4: Passé Composé of Dire

Is Dire Irregular in the Passé Composé?

Yes! Dire uses avoir as its auxiliary verb in the passé composé, and its past participle is "dit."

Passé Composé

J’ai dit

Tu as dit

Il/Elle/On a dit

Nous avons dit

Vous avez dit

Ils/Elles ont dit


  • J’ai dit la vérité. (I told the truth.)
  • Qu'est-ce que tu as dit ? (What did you say?)

Step 5: Imperfect Tense (Imparfait) of Dire

The imperfect tense is used for habitual or background actions in the past.

Imperfect Dire Conjugation

Je disais

Tu disais

Il/Elle/On disait

Nous disions

Vous disiez

Ils/Elles disaient


  • Quand j’étais petit, je disais toujours "merci" avant de manger. (When I was little, I always used to say "thank you" before eating.)

Step 6: Future Tense (Futur Simple) of Dire

The future tense expresses what will happen.

Future Dire Conjugation

Je dirai

Tu diras

Il/Elle/On dira

Nous dirons

Vous direz

Ils/Elles diront


  • Je te dirai tout demain. (I will tell you everything tomorrow.)

Step 7: Conditional Tense (Conditionnel Présent) of Dire

The conditional is used for polite requests or hypothetical situations.

Conditional Dire Conjugation

Je dirais

Tu dirais

Il/Elle/On dirait

Nous dirions

Vous diriez

Ils/Elles diraient


  • Si j’étais toi, je lui dirais la vérité. (If I were you, I would tell him the truth.)

Step 8: Subjunctive (Subjonctif Présent) of Dire

The subjunctive mood is used for expressing doubt, necessity, or emotion.

Subjunctive Dire Conjugation

Que je dise

Que tu dises

Qu’il/elle/on dise

Que nous disions

Que vous disiez

Qu’ils/elles disent


  • Il faut que tu dises la vérité. (You must tell the truth.)

Step 9: Imperative (Impératif) of Dire

The imperative mood is used for giving commands.

Imperative Dire Conjugation

(Tu) Dis !

(Nous) Disons !

(Vous) Dites !


  • Dis-moi la vérité ! (Tell me the truth!)
  • Dites bonjour à votre professeur ! (Say hello to your teacher!)

Step 10: Practice and Expand Your French Knowledge

Now that you’ve mastered the conjugation of dire, practice by listening to native speakers in TV5MONDE USA and TV5MONDEplus programs.

More French Conjugation Guides

Looking to master more French verbs? Check out these helpful articles:

📌 Master the Conjugation of Attendre
📌 How to Conjugate Acheter
📌 Learn Venir Conjugation

So, dive into immersive French-language TV, keep practicing, and watch your French skills soar! 📺🇫🇷💬